Trusted Medical ROI Solutions Provider
Release Of Information solutions trusted by health information management departments and developed for the convenience and protection of the patient.
Professional Medical Copy provides secure, accurate, and thorough processing for all types of requests for Protected Health Information. Our services are Fast, HIPAA Compliant and Cost-effective, and can be provided remotely or on-site to meet the needs of our clients.
Medical records request solutions
Release of Information
We're dedicated to secure, accurate, and affordable release of information solutions. Offering remote or onsite services, we assure comprehensive, HIPAA Compliant, and timely processing of all your incoming requests for medical records. Our human-centered approach and first-in-class ROI software enhance the requestor and patient experience when requesting, tracking, and releasing protected health information. Our team is available 24/7 for medical records requests and will meet complex demands with quick turnarounds and full disclosure accounting while adhering to patient privacy laws.
Release of Information
What is Medical ROI?
Our Release of Information Service is the process of disclosing protected health information (PHI) from a healthcare provider to authorized entities. With our expert knowledge and compliance with patient privacy laws, we ensure a secure, accurate, and timely response to all requests. Whether remote or onsite, we collaborate closely with healthcare systems, hospitals, clinics, and practices, to expedite the release process while reducing the costs. We design and establish secure, remote access to our client’s electronic health records (EHR) systems, allowing us to process requests efficiently from anywhere, providing you with flexibility and convenience. The Professional Medical Copy Team can handle all aspects of medical records processing specifically designed with our healthcare providers.
How we help with ROI
Medical Record Request Management
Reduce Cost (Labor & Materials)
ROI Dedicated Certified Software
Healthcare Audit Management
Patient Requests (e-Request)
Status Calls
Record Delivery (HIPAA Complaint)
Quality Control and Compliance
Detailed Historical Accounting of Disclosure
Health Information Exchange
Free 90-day trial
Outsource Your ROI
If you're unsure if outsourcing your medical release of information process is the right choice for your healthcare facility, we invite you to sign up for our 90-day free trial and see the benefits for yourself, risk-free. We start with a free analysis and consultation, and within one business day, we can have everything in place to get you started. We aim to reduce cost and free up labor for duties centric to your facility and the direct care of your patient base.
Why Choose Us
Why Outsource with Professional Medical Copy
Free up your team from the labor and costs required to manage the high volume of ROIs and reduce the number of faxes, calls, and emails you receive for medical records. At PMC, we are ALWAYS compliant with all HIPAA and HITECH privacy safeguards.
Fast Turnaround
Our process ensures that each request is handled quickly and transferred for easy access via our secure e-delivery system.
Customer Service
We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service and clear communication throughout the entire ROI process.
Always Compliant
Our service ensures that all release of information processing is done with strict adherence to patient privacy laws and regulations.
Cost Effective
ROI services offer efficient, secure, and cost-effective solutions for disclosing protected health information “medical records.”
Confidential Records
We specialize in digitizing medical records and releasing information via a human-controlled process, handling each request securely.
Accurate Information
At Professional Medical Copy, our Release of Information is consistently delivered with clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and completeness.
About Us
Professional Medical Copy
Since 1984, Professional Medical Copy (PMC) has provided ROI solutions to the healthcare provider industry including hospitals, clinics, physicians, medical groups, hospitalists, community health clinics, rural clinics, and healthcare systems. Using advanced, encrypted technology, we scan paper charts, extract information from all major EHR systems, and manage disclosure by releasing confidential information via a secure server. All Protected Health Information is secure and encrypted at rest and in transit. At PMC, we are committed to making the Release of Information experience secure, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. All stored data is protected and encrypted, with 24/7 accessibility by our team, clients, and authorized requestors.
Our Team
Shawn Chittim
Director of Client Operations
Skylynn Gall
Archive Management & Scanning Solutions
Jennifer Johnson
Customer Service & Quality Assurance Specialist
Terri “Daisy” Lopez
ROI Specialist
Karri Powers
ROI Specialist
Tricia Randolph
Accounts Receivable
Jayme Peters
ROI Specialist